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Access Consciousness – Access Bars 

All my life I have been fascinated by how miraculous we truly are. Throughout, it has been prominent to me that our bodies have the ability to heal themselves and that we all possess this innate ability given the right environment and circumstances. 

Despite this deep-seated knowing I hadn’t always put it into practice or been as interested in taking care of myself before others. The imbalance of my own busy and challenging life caught up on me. Despite being in therapy and integrating other ways to find peace and balance in my life, I was still over-worked, stressed out and having difficulty catching a break from the monkey mind before long hours at a computer desk brought a spine injury from a decade before to the forefront. With this chaos going on in my mind and body, sitting in meditation was not really an option. I was running out of ways to cope.

I had my bars run (Access Bars are the 32 points on the head that when lightly touched stimulate positive neurological change) and after several experiences where the idea of anyone being in my bubble or touching me made me freak out, somehow I was actually able to relax and receive, in the hands of a total stranger. The process is very gentle and non-invasive. I felt so light, joyful and spacious. My overactive mind finally calmed down, it was like I’d reached a peaceful meditative space without the effort or practice! And because I’m one of those people that like to research and investigate the ins and outs found Neuroscientists showing the change in the brain that is occurring as it is being done and that it can create the sort of peace of mind achieved by advanced meditators!

I was amazed by this experience and decided to learn it for myself as well as a handful of Access’s body processes. I didn’t actually consider my own spinal injury or the change that could occur within my own body, I just wanted to help other people. We practiced on each other during the class and my previously smashed and bent-out-of-place tailbone felt a warming sensation and all sorts of brand new as if I’d had some sort of energetic surgery! 

These processes and the change I felt experiencing them encouraged me to become certified, share with everyone and start practicing right away, I have since been super empowered and more motivated by the rewarding feedback I receive. It is an honour to hold the space and empower others to also believe in their power and healing potential.

Phone: 0224293882

Facebook: Rhiannon-Skye

Instagram: Rhiannonskyeconsciousness


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