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Card of the Day ~ Trust Your Path 🦦

If you knew you would be supported,
what would you do?


The Universe is conspiring. Keep facing your true north. Your job is not to pave the path, but to simply keep facing your true north + take one step after another. If you do this, you can’t go wrong
The Universe is conspiring. Don’t waver or doubt. Use your heart as a compass + put one foot in front of the other. If you allow trail of what lights you up, you will light up the world without even trying
Most people don’t follow the highest call of their soul because they are waiting to see the end destination before they take the first step. If you take one baby step each day, within a year you will have taken 365 steps in your dedicated direction. If you want to write a book, write a page every day. If you want to change careers, do one thing every day in dedication to that. Before you know it, in just a year from now, you will turn back _ look in awe at how far you have journey. Keep moving + open yourself up to a whole new level of support + receiving
Things are not going to work out the way you are planning, but if you have a little faith + keep showing up, they will work out even better than you could possibly imagine. Don’t micromanage the Universe, trust your path, + let your soul lead the way
Work Your Light Inquiry…
If you knew you would be supported no matter what, what would you do?