We are Star Stuff
All things that exist in the universe are deeply related and are all made of the same essence and structure. In fact, everything is “one thing,” and the diversity of life, the laws of physics, and everything that exists work in symbiosis, like a perfect orchestra where each one has its specific role that forms the whole.
How does one affect others? As the other science and astronomy go, we realise that everything has the same origin, formation, and a primordial connection to existence.
This interconnection between everything that exists is, in itself, proof against chance. It is extraordinary to see how from the smallest organism to large animals and nature itself have a connection, which throws a spiritual prism on human existence that affects even science. It is increasingly difficult to support chance as a cause, which does not mean that science can assume some religiosity as a guide in producing knowledge about reality. But the fact is that, especially with advances in understanding the quantum universe, materialism faces more difficulties and is no longer unanimous among scientists.
Everything that exists is, in fact, only one, a whole divided into parts, a great organism that expresses life in the most varied ways and with incredible diversity. We are literally star stuff, and we have the entire universe within us.

Despite scientific skepticism and its refusal to consider the spiritual universe as true, some facts support the metaphysical perception of life and show that under no circumstances could chance be capable of producing such diversity and interconnection between everything that exists. The perfect connection between everything and the purpose with which the nature of life is designed is the heart of the metaphysical dimension that we observe in nature.
This does not mean claiming any belief as true since religion is often far from the divine reality. Not because they are religions, that is, ways of explaining life on Earth through the prism of faith, but because they have become tools of manipulation and power, which refuse to accept human nature and evolve as scientific discoveries advance. It is unnecessary to believe in Adam and Eve to think of life as a divine phenomenon and to get the existence of the soul and the spiritual world.
Astronomer Carl Sagan’s most famous quote says much about us and our reality. When we say that we are stardust, it means that all the elements that form human beings, plants, rocks, planets, and everything else that exists were formed billions of years ago, in the same event, during the explosion of stars. Light years away from Earth. Therefore, all these elements have the same structural constitution, and everything has the same origin. To better exemplify, we can use iron and gold: these elements can only be synthesised in nature under extreme temperature and pressure conditions – that is, when a star dies and explodes violently, becoming a supernova. And those same explosions generated life.
And this conclusion is not esoteric: after analysing 1,500 stars, astronomers concluded that both human beings and bright stars have 97% of the same type of atoms. So, we and the stars are exactly the same things.
Lavoisier’s phrase states that “nothing is lost, and everything is transformed” and also contains an astonishing assertiveness. Everything that exists on Earth remains on Earth; the matter that exists here does not naturally escape into outer space. So the planet’s atoms have been here since the beginning, circulating over time. Everything that is something today was something else in the past. Isn’t it amazing to think that the matter that makes up our bodies was once part of other organisms? Even considering that we were once part of other human beings is plausible. And this vision has no interference in the certainty that we are spirits, consciousnesses living an experience in the matter, as we speak of the physical constitution that forms our bodies. Though also connected, matter and spirit are separate entities.
Look at the relationship we have with trees and how essential they are to our existence. They synthesise carbon dioxide and eliminate oxygen, a primordial element for human life. Without oxygen, we die in a matter of minutes. And we can go further: studies show that there is a “communication” network in forests between species. When there is danger, the animals seem to communicate and pass the warning to each other, alerting everyone to the existence of a threat. Everything in nature works with connection and bonding, much more than we are used to thinking.
Some studies indicate that trees, for example, have a communication system underground. They communicate and, through this communication, organise themselves. For example, when 4,343 / 5,000, there is a sick or weakened tree, and rationing of nutrients was observed to prioritise the survival of this endangered or weakened element. This fact surprises us not only for life in the community but also for the instinct of survival and helps the weakest.
We are made of star stuff. For the most part, atoms heavier than hydrogen were created in the interiors of stars and then expelled into space to be incorporated into later stars. The Sun is probably a third-generation star ~ Carl Sagan
We know that the planet’s atmospheric constitution directly impacts the constitution of our physical body, either in the elements that form this “vehicle” or in the appearance with which we present ourselves. For example, having two eyes, one nose, one mouth, two ears, hair, fur, two arms, two legs, and five fingers and toes results from Earth’s atmosphere. Therefore, thinking about life outside Earth within human parameters is a mistake.
And this adaptation is required of all beings that inhabit the planet, showing again a connection between all organisms: not only is the physical constitution of living beings the same, but the mechanism that makes them operate is also the same.
Quantum mechanics is a universe of its own in physics, where traditional laws do not apply. As a result, scientists have been forced to draw certain conclusions that make room for the breakdown of scientific skepticism in relation to the metaphysical origin of life.
For starters, there is no matter, which means that everything we think is solid, like our bodies, for example, isn’t. When it comes to the quantum universe, we talk about energy, about clouds of electrons from the atoms in our skin interacting with the clouds of other human beings. We exchange energy with everything around us all the time, proving that we are intimately connected with the universe. And this conclusion just proves what the ancient human sciences teach us about energy, aura, chakras, and the ability to feel the energies of the whole. This discovery confirms that entering an environment and feeling cozy or uncomfortable immediately liking someone or even intuition. In the end, everything is pure energy.
More than the non-existence of matter, quantum studies have made incredible discoveries about how particles communicate, opening the doors to spiritual interaction and communication between consciousnesses that are in different dimensions. Subatomic particles can communicate even millions of light years from each other if there is so-called quantum entanglement between them. One particle is part of the other, and they influence each other, a kind of communication that does not depend on the distance between them. In matter, the only dimension conceived by science, for there to be any kind of communication between two human beings, they need to be in the same physical space or within an area where the same means can connect them, such as a computer or telephone. Or our brain, which from within the physical limits of our body, commands all other organs.
But this only occurs in the matter because when we talk about the quantum universe, the communication and influence that bodies exert on each other is done in a non-local way, regardless of physical barriers. In quantum physics, it is possible to conceive of distance communication, whatever it may be, as if dimensions were connected. This is possible because the principle suggests that universal matter is interconnected by a network of “forces” about which we know little but which transcends even our conception of time and space.
Isn’t it amazing? We are indeed all one. We communicate far beyond our verbal capacity, using energy as a medium. We are the part and the whole at the same time
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~ By Humanity Healing via OM Times Magazine