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Card of the Day ~ Eight of Wands πŸƒ˜

“It’s go time! I fall into the flow of this quickening”
Light speed! 8 wands hurtle their way through the Universe, gathering the momentum + the energy they need as they go. What started out as one quickly became tow, then 3… until all of the wands had joined the flight in quick succession. They’re in a rush because there’s still so much that they need to convey, + so many experiences to bring forth! They draw inspiration from the galaxies + star clusters that they dart past. Star after star, their energies collide + merge, + they move faster + faster until the velocity causes their trips to ignite. They push ahead because they want to arrive before they burn out! (Friction? They blow past it. Hurdles? Barriers? Gone.) They have such great news to deliver, + so much travelling to do. And in the blink of an eye they have passed by, leaving only the change that hey came to enact, + their echoed sentiment of Go!
Message from the 8 of Wands
Action! Now is a time for swift movement. It may be in the form of travel, or in the form of energies taking shape. You know those moments in life when change happens so quickly that it’s almost like a wildfire has set everything ablaze? Drawing the 8 of Wands suggests that this type of speedy energy is at play. It’s inspirational. It’s firey. It’s positive, + it’s now. If you have a gut feeling that needs to be acted upon, listen to it!
Of course, quick action is easier when you know where you are headed, so that you don’t feel like you are being swept along by an unpredictable tide. It’s time to get clear on goals, desires + direction so that you can harness this beautiful window + get yourself ready to cover a lot of ground! Sometimes these swift wands indicate the movement of creative ideas, or a particular piece of news that is travelling quickly. In shadow, the 8 of Wands can suggest delays. Plans may be cancelled. Dates may be shifted. Your wands my be stalled. And as a result you’l feel some sticky energy around your situation. You want to move but, ack… if your foot’s not stuck in the mud then you’ve locked your keys in the car, amiright?!Β  Your timing might be off, especially if you find yourself fluctuating between hesitating + missing the moment + running so fast that you’re burning out. It’s time to bring consistent momentum into your propulsion. Small, consistent steps that always feel right in your heart are the best way to start
Questions for the Seer
  • What are you waiting for?
  • If you could go in any direction with the knowledge that it would be successful, which way would you go?
  • How is your relationship with time? And how is that relationship affecting your current situation? (Think: too late. too old. too young. too early. too slow etc
  • Priorities + short-term goals. What’s your list look like?
Light Seer
  • Speed
  • Velocity
  • Travel
  • Making split
  • Decisions
  • An upcoming positive resolution
  • Haste
  • Good news


❀️ ~ 🧑 ~ πŸ’› ~ πŸ’š ~ πŸ’™ ~ πŸ’œ ~ 🀍
🎴 Light Seer’s Tarot Cards ~ Chris-Anne